Dubs is 2! And very 2!! He's such a fun little guy, but whoa, do 2 year old through me for a loop! He totally has a mind of his own, and pretty much does what it tells him too, not what anybody else tells him too! It's a good thing he's not a bad little boy or I'd be in trouble! Here are some of his happenings....
*Talks like a four year old
*Is WORKING on potty training (I'd appreciate any tips!)
*Loves to build things (usually houses or guns) with legos and pvc pipe
*Loves to read books, we could read for hours if I let him
*Helps mommy unload the dishwasher
*Helps mommy fold laundry
*Helps mommy clean up toys
*Wants to help cook, so he has to watch everything I do
*Loves to sing songs, some of the favorites are popcorn popping, itsy bitsy spider, the wise man, I'm a child of God
*The only movie he'll watch is Kids Favorite Songs 2 (sesame street)
*Loves nursery, and is learning to be reverent in sacrament meeting
*Loves chips, and pretty much any other snack food, but especially chips! He asks for them when he wakes up!
*LOVES big trucks! Every Wednesday we wait by the window to watch the garbage man come
*Loves his "Here comes Trouble" shirt, and when he wears it he comes running into the room yelling "here comes trouble! Rrrroooooaaaarrrr!!"
*loves to dance, and can dance better than both his mommy and daddy
*Is learning his ABC's, can count to 10, and knows Blue, Red, Green, and Yellow, and can match any color with it's own
*Loves to go on "Ventures" up the canyon and see waterfalls
*Collects rocks.... even steals them from grandma, the true rock collector. It's always a discovery when I do his laundry!
*Some of my favorite Kalebese: "I do it myself", "I go potty, just a sec mom", "Metty" = Maylee,
"tigger-poos"= chocolate teddy grahms (I think it's because the show My friends Tigger & Pooh- I did not teach him that!), "read book!", "Nuggle you mama", "Spy'dman undies!"