Saturday, February 21, 2009

My Valentines Date

     My Culinary (and cookie cutter) Skills at work

      My little Helper
Kaleb's heart man
     Kaleb's Valentine bag with his Valentines in it
The boys and their Valentine's and our heart shaped ham and cheese sandwiches, which we were very proud of!

As most of you know, Blake works and goes to school full time. So trying to find time together is pretty tricky! His typical daily schedule is him leaving the house around 8am, going to school, straight to work, and then home close to 11pm. So we get to see each other for about a half an hour in the morning and maybe an hour or so at night, before we are both too tired and need to go to bed! Valentine's day being no exception! So to start out the weekend of love, my date (Kaleb) and I went to a Valentine's party my sister and I threw at her house for all the little kids who aren't old enough to go to school. We had Heart themed food, passed out valentine's to each other, and made valentine crafts. Very fun and cute! Then we came home and made heart shaped, pink rice krispie treats, and heart attacked our house for Blake. Saturday morning we woke up and had heart shaped french toast with strawberries and whipped creme. That was about it! Despite the lack of romance, it was a really fun holiday. Kaleb makes everything so fun, he gets so excited and thinks everything is so cool! Valentine's day is over rated anyways right?! I hope you all had a great Valentine's weekend as well! 

1 comment:

Ally said...

Yummy Yummy that looks good! I am glad someone else kindof gets into Valentines day like I kindof do! I think the whole Valentines day thing is cheezy but something fun do do with the kids. E-mail your address