Sunday, April 12, 2009

Maylee's Story Part 2

Maylee Marie arrived April 1st at 4:45pm. Those of you who got a text message at 8:45 am, that was Blake's April Fool's joke! We got to the hospital at 8:30, and the Dr. broke my water right away and at that point I was dialated to a 3. They didn't start me on pitocin until almost 10, and I didn't start having regular contractions until 10:30. So the nurse told me that I didn't have to count labor starting until then! So that means six hours of labor. :o) Which actually was 15 minutes longer than Kaleb! But I'll take it, because I pushed for 45 minutes with Kaleb, and Maylee was only four pushes. When she came out, I thought she was so tiny, and figured she was in the mid 7 lbs. area.... oh no! 8'2" and only 20 inches long! Kaleb was born a week and a half later than Maylee and was only 8'6" and 22 inches! So had I waited until my due date, she would have beaten her brother in size!  She was our little butter ball! Since then she has lost weight and is less swollen. So now she looks long and lean. I'm anxious to see how much she weighs at her 2 weeks appointment. Kaleb was almost 10 pounds at two weeks. 
She is our little princess and is just as low key as her brother was. Doesn't cry unless she's hungry, and even then it's just a little squawk, and then she's quiet for a few more minutes, waiting for you to respond. it's so fun having a little girl in the house, she has definately brought a whole new dynamic to our family! I can't wait to see her play with her big brother! He has been so good with her too! His favorite thing is to get pictures with him holding her! 


Andrea Campbell said...

Erin! She is adorable! I can't wait to see her in person!

RY & MAND WRIGHT said...

oh my goodness Erin she is so pretty . Way to go and Kaleb is so freakin cute he is like a little model I hope you are feeling so good these days