Saturday, January 15, 2011

Finally Updating!

I haven't updated for a while, because so much happened in such a short amount of time, I felt too overwhelmed and didn't want to spend the time doing it. At last I have tackled the challenge! I forgot my camera for Thanksgiving and Christmas (don't know how I did that) so I still need to collect pictures from everyone else before I post about those events. But I think everything else that I would like to share and remember is on here now!

SO much has happened in my life that past few months! The most surprising/ overwhelming is my new calling at church. As of October I am the new Young Women's president in my ward! I am beyond excited to be with those girls, and have had so much fun, but it is beyond me why I am the person chosen for this. However, I do believe that whom the Lord calls the Lord qualifies, so I am trying my best to fulfill this calling to the best of my abilities and to make sure I am worthy to receive the promptings I need too, to help these girls. It has been a great experience so far, and I have grown a lot too in just a short amount of time.

So now that the holidays are over, and things have slowed down I feel like I an pay a little more attention to my blog! Hopefully I can be a little more consistent so what I blog about is fresh and I can capture our memories a little better for our book!

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