Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 28- Something that I miss...

I miss the good ol' days in Alaska. The last two years I was there were life changing, so challenging, but also a lot of fun. I have often said that I wish I could just go back for one day to being 16 in fairbanks. We had so much fun cruising around in my car, singing on the top of our lungs, dancing in parking lots, dancing in the cafeteria, painting the spirit rock, making homemade Blair witch project videos, football games, church dances, student council, staying up all night crying and talking. I am still friends with all of those girls who stood beside me that year, they are some of the best friends I have ever had. I miss being so far away from them. But I'll take what I can get, I'd rather miss a long distance friend, than to have never met them at all!

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