Friday, May 20, 2011

Maylee's 2nd Birthday

Maylee is TWO!! I honestly can't believe it. For her birthday we had a "butterfly" party at the park with family. I just have to say neither Blake or I should be trusted with pictures! We had just gotten a new camera the day of her birthday, and once everyone was in bed I was going through the manual learning how to use it. It talked about formating the memory card, and I asked blake if he had done that, he said no, so I did. And deleted all her pictures from the party!!! Luckily My sister in law had some on her camera, so we do have documentation that we did have a party. I'm just so sad that all those pictures are gone! To add to my case why we shouldn't be trusted with pictures, blake lost all of Kaleb's FIRST YEAR on a zip drive. And I recorded over maylee's first 24 hours on our video camera. We are so lame.

But enough with that, one to the party!!! It was a great party, and I made really yummy cupcakes, lemon with strawberry frosting (made with real fruit), and strawberry-lime cupcakes with a toasted coconut cream cheese frosting. They were both delicious! Here are the pictures I have... If any of you have pictures from this party, send them to me please!!

What can I say about my Maylee girl aka Miss Maylee?? She is such a funny little sweetheart! She loves to cuddle and give loves. There are times during the day where nothing is wrong, she just wants to snuggle. Which I love and totally understand, being a girl too! Sometimes you just need to cuddle! Despite my best efforts, she does not like to dress up in her princess dresses, rather, she always is caring a purse and a baby, usually some sort of essential item like a bottle to feed her baby, and wearing a play necklace. She is such a good mommy. She adores her big brother Kaleb, and must do whatever he is doing! They are truly best friends! They share a room right now, and they both struggle when one has to be on time out and they are separated. More often than not, when Kaleb gets sent to time out for hurting her, just a few minutes later I find them both on his bed playing. When she is not being a mommy, she is Kaleb's princess and he rescues her as whatever superhero he is at that moment.
One of my favorite memories is looking out into the living room and seeing both of them walking around with blankets over their heads as shawls. I asked Kaleb what they were doing and he said they were Mary and Joseph going to Bethlehem (this was in March). I asked where baby jesus was, and he said he was still in Mary's tummy. I went on with my day not thinking about it again until I got Maylee ready for bed that evening. In her onsie was a littlest pet shop kitty. I asked what it was doing there, and Kaleb said, "That's baby Jesus!" I still laugh thinking about that! He really was in Mary's tummy! Maylee is also known for storing food down her onsies too. One day we were at the grocery store and I started to smell peanut butter. I got worried thinking that one of the kids pulled something off the shelf and started eating it. But no worries, Maylee showed me her sandwhich that she had put down her shirt at lunch time, saving it for a later snack! I haven't been putting onsies on her as much lately because she is hopefully getting close to potty training, but when I do there is always something being stored down her shirt, whether it's a bottle for her baby, food, or just a little book she'd like to read later!
Maylee is still pretty stranger shy. She loves people and is pretty friendly, but if she is new to a place or there is a lot of attention on her she totally clams up and hides her face in my shoulder or nearest object! Most of the time, though, she warms up and gives very loving good byes to whomever it is! She loves to help clean, and make messes too! My favorite scenes throughout the day are when her and kaleb are laying next to each other watching a movie, reading a book, coloring, etc. They are so cute together! She has added so much to our lives, I don't know what we'd do with out her! She is always good for a laugh and to melt your heart! I love my Maylee girl!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Sooooooooooo sad about the pictures! Especially losing the entire first year. I bet there were tears with that one! Congrats on the bithday party. Your little girl is growing up.